Thursday, July 26, 2007


I (and when I say "I" it wasn't really me) was swimming the other day and must have saved like 15 June bugs from an early death by drowning in the pool. I couldn't save them all so, I gave up. While I was swimming I was buzzed by a bee.

When he was dive bombing me, he got too close to the water and accidently landed. He was struggling to stay afloat so I tried to save him by getting him out. The darn fool came back and got sucked in again.

I kept trying to save him but the idiot kept coming back. Now if you keep trying to save the bee and he keeps coming back, what do you do? Like duh, you give up. I don't know how many times I tried to save him and he kept coming back. All right if you don't want to be saved then just float there. I give up!


Rayne said...

I do the same thing! I try and save the bugs from drowning. I even go so far as to find a stick and flick the worms off the sidewalk and onto the grass when it rains.

Anonymous said...

We went camping one weekend in July. While it had been hitting 100 at 5,000 feet above sea level we went up into the mountains and what a time! With about a 3,000 to 5,000 foot climb, the temperature dropped. It was wonderful to feel the 100 drop off to around 80. On about the 2nd or 3rd day, my daughter was down by the lake. She would lean down to the water's edge and then would stand backup and hold her hand out like she was pointing at something, but she would just stand there. I couldn't figure out what she was doing. I started down the the lake shore only to figure out what she was doing....saving lady bugs one at a time. She and our oldest sister have a thing for them.