Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Life in General #1

I find that a lot of the time people forget to smile and laugh at little things. Today I was attending an organizational meeting. What fun can you have at an organizational meeting? Let me tell you that some of the topics on the table were, to say the least, interesting.

When I first got to the meeting there were 3 other people and myself, the new kid on the block. I spent most of the time listening to the conversation.

Now before I go any further I want everyone to understand that I'm not poking fun at anyone in particular. I'm trying to show what strange and interesting thoughts people get stuck in their head and take for the truth.

The topic under discussion were the myths about pregnant women. There were a lot of strange ideas thrown back and forth but the one that stuck in my mind and made me laugh was this one. One of the lovely women at the meeting is expecting a child in the very near future and while she was at the store, earlier in the day, she had a person stop and share this "truth". Now, did you know that women under 5 feet, 4 inches can not breast feed their babies because they just don't have enough, how to put this delicately, milk/bosom to feed their child?

Close your eyes and picture this. A very pregnant Dolly Parton. That's what went through my mind. All the different women that are of short stature but possess an ample bosom. Heck, I fall into the above category. Here's the kicker, the person who said this actually believed it. So, what do you think? Is this truth or fiction?


Rayne said...

Absolute fiction. After having Shelle I was all excited that I would be able to see my feet again. Forgot about the whole b**b factor. And I'm 5'3". When we were first married we lived in San Antonio and the women at the place where I worked told me I had to get rid of my cats before I had a baby because they would 'suck the babies breath' and kill it. They really believe it, too.

B. Fred said...

I've heard that story about cats too. Now we know that cats can carry a disease that can be transferred by dirty litter boxes. However, general sanitary habits will prevent this from happening.

Mary said...

HAHAHAHA! That totally cracks me up! I've heard a few crazy myths too, and I just laugh when people are so sincere that they think it's true. The last one I heard is this: You can only breastfeed your baby for two years and then your milk turns sour.

Bring on the gullible people!