Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thanks Aunt Jackie

Someone (Aunt Jackie) reminded me that I had not posted anything on my Blog in a long time. Phew...they weren't kidding. It's been two years. What have I been doing?

Not much but keeping up the house work, taking pictures, yard work, having outings with Shawna, working, cooking, reading and crocheting. Life in General....heh, he, he.

The dogs are still rascals! I don't know how Pluto knows it but whenever someone is taking a picture he realizes it and hides. Ringo is a sweet dog and learning how to socialize nicely. Pluto...not so much.

I've added more recipes to my personal favorites. I might actually get them added to the blog site.

I'm getting ready for Christmas. Starting some projects for my loved ones. Last year when my brother died I actually, in all the chaos, managed to get a few Christmas cards sent out with a letter. It was a first. Maybe I can pull it off again.

I have to run...Banana Bread coming out of the oven.