Sunday, December 30, 2007

It sooo, is not a silly movie

I noticed the other day that the movie, "The Sound of Music", was going to be showing on TV. I told my daughter about it and her response was, "It's a silly movie!" I immediately took umbrage because it is one of my favorite musicals.

I can picture your response as you read this blog, most of it is pretty negative if not down right abusive. It's not just the music that makes this a movie that I believe all people should watch at least once, it is also the political comment that this movie talks about.

Yes, it is a romanticized version of life in Austria during the beginning of World War II but it does demonstrate the split that families, friends and next door neighbors experienced. There are many stories out there that show oppression from a government body or person in power and yet it happens again, again and again. When will we, as intelligent beings, realize that we are hurting each other.

I watched the last 1/2 hour of the movie and even though I've seen the movie many times let alone heard the music many more, I still teared up when the camera panned across the mountains that they had to cross in order to leave Austria. And, just in case someone doesn't know, the movie is based on a true story. I know that liberties were made but the basic story is true.