Monday, August 18, 2008

The Dogs Made A Break For It!

The other day I was walking the dogs and guess what, they pulled really hard and yanked the leashes out of may hands. I was at the top of a large hill, nearly free of trees and covered with grass. They had a nice romp while I went chasing after them.

All of a sudden they stopped and started sniffing around the base of one of the few trees. This immediately concerned me. The last time they exhibited this behavior they had found a dead bird and were trying to eat it. I hurried over, thinking I would find a dead animal. Pluto, my little trouble maker, starts rolling around, as if he were a cat taking a dust bath . This is highly unusual behavior. I've never seen him do that before.

I approach the dogs and find out that the Pluto is rolling around in a big pile of "Shaving Cream, be nice and clean, shave every day and you'll always be clean." O.K., I cleaned that up a lot. It was Turkey Poo and it stank. Notice, that I say stank and not stink. It was rank.

Now you may wonder how do I know that it was Turkey Poo. As we walked home, I kept the dogs seperated by a wide margin (I don't need Ringo getting filthy too), I hear and then see a large wild turkey across the street and in the neighbors yard. It's yelling at the neighbors as they walk into their house. That explained a lot.

I finally get them home and wash up Pluto and his harness that was covered in TURKEY POO! Ohooey Poohey, I don't want to go through that again.


Mary said...


But how often do you see a wild turkey?

Rayne said...

Oh, yes. Schnauzers love, love, love to roll is stinky stuff.
Not one of their better traits.

B. Fred said...

This year quite regularly. This is the first time that we have had any in the neighborhood. Our new neighbor says they are keeping her up at night. Not me though. Apparently, I sleep right through it.