Sunday, August 17, 2008


I received a call at work the other day asking me if I wanted some "Naked Ladies" I was so excited! I immediately said yes, "I've been wanting some for 5 years." I ran over to one of my co-workers cubicle and gushed, "I'm getting some Naked Ladies." Their eyes popped, their jaw dropped, and they responded with some rude responses. I laughed so hard I cried.

Naked Ladies are a regional name for 'Surprise Lilies'. During the spring they are one of the first plants that start growing. They have beautiful, deep green mounds of foilage. This foilage dies back and then about August out of this 'dead' ground springs tall stalks that are topped with beautiful pink flowers, SURPRISE!

For a look at the flowers follow the link on the Title.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Ohhh, pretty! Enjoy your naked ladies! I would have been wondering if you lost your sanity too - LOL! Funny that you had a good laugh at your coworkers reactions! That's great.