Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Neighbor's Pickup Truck

I'm sure you have heard about someone driving into another person's home. It happens periodically. It's a pretty freaky way to wind up a busy day. Well, several years ago the neighbor's pickup truck ended up in our front yard. This is quite a trick since we live on a hillside. The street level is actually above the level of the house.

We had heard a big bang but chalked it up to our imagination. It wasn't until I happened to walk into our bedroom and saw the reflected twirling lights of a police cruiser that we finally realized what had happened.

The neighbor is actually not a bad person but he did get carried away with a night of revelry. He ended his night at the local police station after he drove his truck off the road, down the hill and into the tree in the middle of our yard. As drunk driving stories go this one ended better than it possibly could have.

Ever since that happened if we hear a "big bang", we check it out. Because the one time that we didn't believe our own ears, someone had a large accident in our front yard. What do you know, live and learn.


Mary said...

Wow! That's crazy! Glad there was a tree in the way so he didn't end up driving into your house.

B. Fred said...

No Kidding!

Rayne said...

Thank goodness for that tree! The truck would have ended up right in your house!