Sunday, November 11, 2007

Computer Hiatus

I've been on Computer Hiatus for the last three weeks. We lost our Uncle Denys. I've found out that when something like that happens, I become very insular and I tend to block the whole world out. Probably not very healthy but I'm such a HUGE cry baby that I can't think about it without getting a tear in my eye, let alone talk about it. This makes talking to the relatives very difficult because I just choke up on the phone and have to hand it off to someone that can talk intelligently. This makes me unbearably embarrassed. I can't keep my feelings to myself and that everyone has to put up with my heart on my sleeve.

Now, Uncle Denys' death was a good thing and it was well planned. He had been suffering from cancer for quite some time and he had been released from the hospital to spend his last days at home with his friends and family. So, he had a chance to tie up loose ends, say good bye and generally enjoy (as much as possible) his ending days. He was a very religious man so I know that he is enjoying his new home. So, for all these reasons and many more, I can say confidently, that his death WAS a good thing. However, I still miss his humor, faith and friendship. Oops... I've got to wipe my eyes, silly me.

O.K., now I've got that out of my system, let's move on. Autumn is almost over in the Nebraska area. Most of the leaves have fallen so now it's time to rake them up and clean the gutters before the snow and ice arrive. Shawna and I raked the front yard yesterday.

It is so much fun to jump into a pile of leaves. I didn't tell her that I did that before she joined me out there. Yes, I started without her and boy am I sore because of it. Terribly, out of shape, am I. Unfortunately, I am too sore to do the back yard today. I might just have to mow them into the grass. I have so much more to type but I have to get the muffins started before things get busy. I'll try to hop back on later this evening.


Mary said...

We live parallel lives. Go read my blog and you will understand what I mean.

All my love to you! Big Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

If $$ every comes your way, for about $30, you can buy an electric (I know they are a pain with the cord) leaf blower. Now it isn't the blower part that makes this, but it helps. First in less then 1/2 the time and MAYBE 1/4 the sore muscles, you can "round up" those little beggers and jump to your hearts content (at least that is what a 10 year old does). Then you switch the attachments around and the REAL fun beings. You turn it into a leaf SUCKER. In the process you get the benefit of 1. not having to bend down a thousand and 1 times and 2. BEAUTIFUL mulch for the garden. Since the first year we treated our tree (for nasty bugs), I have done this and LOVE it. PS - My garden would say it does too if it could tell you.